
1st - 7th Dec: Taiwan trip (will update real soon.)
12 Dec: Meet Mrs ashin-s for dinner at orchard to chit chat and pass her barang barang to HY
13 Dec: That's it. Im bonded. And 4 years of heaven or hell ?!
19 Dec: Dinner Waraku @ central with Ms cloud & Ms snow for dinner. Brewerks for beer. Was abit of tired despite the fact that i was having holidays. Maybe i had been too bored at home. And moody at those days.

24 Dec: Xmas dinner with Mayday khakis at Sin Hoi Shan .
聖誕大餐 就在新海山
選新海山的原因 就是他們常常到那裡用餐.
總共叫了8 道菜. 是超多的.
食物平平, 沒有想像中的好. 就覺得蝦醬雞最好吃. 辣椒螃蟹有點甜, 可是螃蟹是大到恐怖.
可能以後再點別種煮法的螃蟹. 以後就叫螃蟹好了.

25 Dec: Stayed at home, slept like a pig. My family had a simple celebration at home to celebrate my mummy birthday! Brother made a oreo cheesecake for mummy. didnt look nice, but not too bad.

Happy Birthday!

26 Dec: 208 Dinner
We had xmas dinner at Prego @ Raffles City. The place looked classy. We had wine and our main courses. And Christmas present exchange. My buddy was Rebecca and bought her a bottle of wine. Didnt know if the wine is nice, but bought it upon recommended by the sale person. Anyway, got a cute mug from Szeman. thanks.

The food at Prego was average. Didnt really like it. Maybe i still prefer cream sauce pasta like carbonara. I love the white wine though. Nice and smooth. =)

*no pictures as I didnt have it sent to me yet. And most of them upload in facebook. And I dont go facebook fyi. So people please send me if u remember I was there.

28 Dec: Redemption for Mayday concert tickets at Central
Queuing was horrible. 原本早上7.30 約了Mrs J 在Central, 可是我又遲到. 7.55am 才到, 那時還蠻驚訝的. 原來大家都那麼的早. 聽說有人漏夜排隊. 那時我就想, 只是拿門票, 有必要那麼早暴肝嗎? anyway, 我也沒好到那裡去. =P MZ 也來了! =)

等待的時間好難熬. 看到朋友, 就聊了很久, 讓後又不知道要做什麼, 很儘量地背那些還背不起來的歌. 其實早排隊有好處, 可以在冷氣的地方坐著, 還不錯啦~ 下午1點, 滾石決定開始換門票. 大家都很乖, 一個一個排隊, 沒有亂推. 換了門票, 大夥們就去對面吃 肉骨茶. 好好吃!

吃完, 就像行尸走肉的走去Raffles city. 逛了一會兒, 超想睡. 本想回家, 可是跟約好的朋友都已經到了, 就繼續當了一天的木頭.


29 Dec: Back to work for Meeting. We didnt need to be there, but we didnt know and the worse thing was we actually came at the wrong time. Meeting started at 9am, but we happily thought that it started at 930am. Anyway, just stare during the meeting.

New year eve was nothing special. I didnt know anything, but slack and sleep at home. I must enjoy this last bit of holiday.

ok. updated all december stuff. will be back for january updates and reflection of 2008 and taiwan trip.

I need new laptop. Laptop cannot work anymore. And brother has been occupying the desktop. Zzz.


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