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Number one means more publicity, can affect some music lovers to think that maybe the album is really that great that no one should miss it, so it is a way to boost more sales. whatever it is, it is just a way for survival.

in a way, in my opinion, the company that commented the most over this issue is trying hard to make people think that they are noble to fight this, and some people will be proud of such actions, and will support that cd. This is just one approach to get sales too without having to spend money to BUY chart. And those people who are targeted, their fans will want to prove more, and may also buy MORE. MARKETING tactics, u see.

I can somewhat understand why some people felt that it is unfair to put in the 205k sold campus album into the chart. Some argued that the campus cd were sold at a cheaper rate to the event company, but have they thought of the price that the fans bought them? It cost NT400, which is higher than the normal price of the album sold in cd stores. But my guess was they suspected that all these albums were bought by event company, which indirectly means THEY bought all the albums but may not have sold ALL of them to fans hence the conclusion of buying chart. And these albums are not sold to fans. It could be true. Who knows except they themselves? But maybe they should see the number of campus concert they held, and do a count of the number of people who attend. Because, to attend the concert, u need to have the album bought from that campus.

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在過幾個鐘, 早上11點30分, 我就算一個半自由的人. 



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  • Feb 03 Sun 2008 15:53
  • 介紹

不知道為什麼, 決定也在pixnet 開博客。想嘗試不一樣的感覺。其實自己也在別處有博客,多數以英文發表較多。現在也慢慢捉摸了pixnet 的操作手法,覺得不錯。而且也感謝貢獻版面的大大們,讓我可以有漂亮的博客。

華語對我來說還是有一點點困難。雖然對華語不陌生, 可是還是不習慣寫,畢竟已經有幾年沒寫了。以前所學的,很多都還給老師了。再說,我學的是簡體字,繁體字是以前看漫畫,節目等 漸漸猜出來 和習慣的。xD

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